Wealth Management
Wealth Management
GHP Group offers a wide range of investment opportunities in Russia and abroad and is focused on generating high returns for its clients. To achieve this goal, the company carries out extensive researches for investment options and builds up investment portfolios comprising various asset classes. Investments encompass global equity markets, fixed income and money markets, as well as direct investments in mining projects. This basic set of assets is by no means an arbitrary choice as all these financial instruments are very loosely correlated with one another. This diversified approach towards asset selection is our key solution during current market turbulence.
To secure successful management of complex portfolios, managers first define a long-term strategy, concentrating on diversification. To protect investments, hedging methods are applied to shield portfolios against drops in asset values.
All of the company’s professionals and executive team including strategists, analysts and managers do their best to meet the needs of the client. We strive to develop customized investment and financial products to satisfy the specific financial requirements of each client. We combine classic asset management techniques which are typically kept apart within conventional asset management models. The paramount objective is to increase the value of our clients’ holdings.
Here lies the difference that sets us apart from conventional private banks where even high net worth clients typically find it difficult to obtain complete transparency and exceptional value accretion and where investment solutions are generated arbitrarily by an individual banker. It is not uncommon that solutions offered by private banks are defined under bank-specific pressures. With GHP operating as outlined, the risks related to conflicts of interests are entirely eliminated.
Investing at GHP Group is a unified process which brings together the extensive and diverse expertise of GHP’s entire team. One of the key innovative solutions applied at GHP is that portfolio managers and investment directors work in close cooperation within common steering committees, teams and regular meetings.
The goal pursued by GHP Group’s asset management team is to provide a safe haven in the turbulent sea of global financial markets and to ensure that our clients’ investment portfolios remain resilient in the face of all adverse market waves.